Where can family members learn about – and talk about – AA? Come to the Saginaw Alano Club. The Family and Friends meeting is an open discussion for alcoholics, family members of alcoholics and friends of alcoholics. Anyone and everyone may attend, including AA’s and Al-Anon/Alateens. Again, you need not be an alcoholic to attend.
- Meetings last 1-1½ hours. We do not use timers for speakers, but ramblers are politely asked to conclude their remarks. We understand that many of us are going through tough times, and we are all here to help each other, but we also strive to balance sharing and listening with time schedules.
- Cross-talking and interrupting are not permitted. Speakers should confine their remarks to their own personal experiences to minimize this issue.
- Smoking is permitted at the Alano Club.
- For more information call George C. at 989-928-8626.