Providing an environment for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings, recreation and fellowship
Movie Matinee (Sat Feb 28 CANCELLED)
Bill K. presented the Jellinek chart at the Unity Club at 1:30pm, Saturday, February 28. We cancelled the Feb. 28 movie to avoid a conflict with that event.
The Saginaw Alano Club is a non-profit corporation that maintains a clubhouse which provides a comfortable social environment for members of Alcholics Anonymous, and their families and friends, promoting both recovery and recreation. AA and Al-Anon/Alateen members are especially encouraged to join, but anyone supportive of AA's mission is welcome.
Our facility includes a main meeting room, a non-smoking meeting room, a recreation room with pool table and TV, a full kitchen and a private room for playing cards. Smoking is permitted throughout the club, except in the non-smoking meeting room.
The Little Big Book is a brief overview of the basic text of the book Alcoholics Anonymous. Free copies are available in the main meeting room.
The Little First Step
The Little First Step is a thorough look at the first step. It's great for newcomers and it's written in plain English. Free copies are available in the main meeting room.